when I try to talk to my mom about what it was like
to grow up surrounded by yt people in the prairies
in the 80s though it seemed like the 50s
she tells me in a so-there tone
that Mariah is a mixee and that people love her
I tell my mom that Mariah has talked publicly
about feeling some type of way about
being what she calls biracial
which is why on the early album covers
her hair is obscuring her face
there is a long pause then a I didn’t know that
I wish her first response wasn’t a disavowal of my experience
I wish when I said this to her she didn’t disavow my experience again
by telling me that my sibling didn’t feel shame about being a mixee
my sibling who in adulthood says
you’re more Chinese than me
A yt mother can't understand why her mixee daughter would have felt apart from her community
Mercedes Eng, "Mariah according to my yt mama" from my yt mama. Copyright © 2020 by Mercedes Eng.
Source: my yt mama (Talonbooks, 2020).